วันศุกร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2561

The Project of Manuscripts Conservation

1. Scope of Works 
1.1 Areas
Covered  the Areas of the Northern 10  Provinces
2.The Project of Manuscripts Conservation
It had Started since  1978 unto now 2017 by
The Social Research Institution(SRI) Chiang Mai University (occasionally granted the funds by TOYOTA Foundation)
The Center for the Promotion of Arts and Culture,(The CPAC) Chiang Mai University supported by German
Generally the budgets were grated by Thai Govt. trough The National Research  Institution
3. Data collections
In The Data base of SRI all manuscripts were surveyed and systematic preserved by
The microfilm photo copied about 174 Rolls
The transition from microfilms to digital technology or digitization
The Items  are totally 5583in books 17,876 ,in pages 655,706.
The more Conservation works to be done
The prior conservative works  had collected and photo copied  partially according to the main purposes of the project  such as :
The history, the folktale, of the tradition medicine, but they left the rests in the  original resources, that are the big amount than what they preserved in monasteries over Lanna.
Those data have to conserve right now,  otherwise, they would be lost.
What I need the help from You
Thailand is the Buddhist country, follows the Indian civilization and accepts Indian Culture & Tradition trough Hinduism and Buddhism since the past.
About  a couple year ago, I have done preservation  on the palm leafs and the manuscript books in Wat Ban Luk,Lam Phun Province
What I need the help from You
I was  shocked that I have found a lot of Manuscripts kept in many Boxes, shuch a big Box,
There are totally 21 big boxes loaded with palm leafs manuscripts.
I have surveyed in one box, there are at least 200-300 palm leaf set. 
What I need the help from You
I have spent a year with two men to conserve, but it is completed on ly 5 boxes,  then, left 17 boxes having not preserved yet.
By calculating if 17 X 300 they must be approximately 51,000 Items in only Wat Ban Luke Lam Phun Province
If You  can support the next stage of conservation, within one year, we will establish   the Big Conservation Center in Lam Phun Province.
That collection of manuscripts will not second to Wat Sung Men in Phrea Province those prathoned by The Princess Sirinthon.
The Detail of process we shall follow up latter on.

